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Aditya Raj, Kshamta, Ankita Joshi, Sahil Verma, Maninder Kaur


In this paper, we are going to intro- duce the  various  approaches  which  can  be  used  for  building a movie recommendation system [MRS]. As we all know that      in this present generation a recommender system would be very helpful for the users in a very personalized on getting the required outcome in their preferred manner. To provide the users with a reliable recommendation, the movie recommender system should need to capture the preferences and the past field point in the interest of the users which can be used for providing them in a useful & helpful manner. The recommendation systems provide the user with certain types of resources like movies, songs & books. This recommendation system (RS) predicts the viewer’s interest with the help of a movie that is mainly based on a certain set of attributes or categories that are present in the movies that are watched by the user previously. This type of data which is collected from the customers would be very helpful for the organizations to provide the customers with the best suggestions. While designing a recommendation system for the movies, there are various sets of factors that needed to be taken into consideration like film genres, cast and story on which the movie runs. This helps the system to recommend a system based on considering the 2-3 factors or categories. In this, we would    be also provided with the information which shows which is the best approach among the other described approaches.

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