Protein Structure Prediction Using Needle Man Wunsch Algorithm

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Rohit Mishra, Prashant Pandey, Amit Tiwari, Ravi Singh, Sameer Devwanshi, Sakshi Singh


Protein Sequence Analysis is a very important part of Bioinformatics which deals with the study of amino acids which is the building block of proteins. In Protein sequence analysis we subject a protein or the peptide sequence to various kinds of analytical methods which compares and contrasts their features in order to establish various relationships among important factors. In order to implement we are using the Needleman Wunsch algorithm for performing the pairwise alignment of the two protein sequence. As a result, this algorithm when paired with local alignment generates a score which is also known as the alignment score of the two protein sequences. Upon further study multiple inferences can be obtained and used for various medical and research purposes.

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