LAB-G New Approach for Assessment

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Ashish Dwivedi, Misbah Uddin, Anubhav Kumar Prasad, Aman Ojha, Fahad Bin Zafar, Mohd. Alfahad


The most recent Internet innovation has put the entire globe in our hands.Everything proceeds via the Internet, from exchanging information to making purchases. The Internet made the world a small circle. This project is also based on the Internet. This paper shows the importance of chat applications in modern life and their impact on the technological world. The aim of this work is to develop assessment system for students based on Machine learning and Python. The application allows student to take the assessment and get score by machine learning with only a click. This online platform was created to give students the opportunity to communicate or learn under the direction of professors with the aid of assignments. This application was created with a sound architecture for potential future development.

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