Enhanced Security in Secret Key Generation Through the Comprehensive BB84 Quantum Cryptography Protocol.

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N. HariKrishna, Dr. R. Siva Rama Prasad


Secret key distribution, authentication, confidentiality, and integrity are all security concerns within the WBSN. Generation and distribution of secret keys are fundamental security functions within the WBSN. Data from body sensors is more sensitive. Treatments will be affected if those data are altered from their initial version during remote health service monitoring. It will have a widespread impact on the health of patients. The computational simplicity and reduction in power consumption for key distribution are hallmarks of the proposed method for key generation and distribution. It preserves the security of the WBSN while extending the life of the network. A potential threat to health-related sensitive data exists while medical information is being transmitted over a wireless link. Using the cryptography process, it is possible to circumvent such a circumstance. Utilizing cryptographic algorithms and confidential keys, the patient's health information can be encrypted and decrypted. The secret key is shared indirectly with the corresponding communicating parties via the proposed method. In order for the communicating parties to share the secret key, quantum mechanisms are utilized. It aids in preventing both active and passive as saults against the secret key.

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