Optimisation of Fsw Welding Parameters to Achieve Better Combination of Tensile Strength, Hardness and Corrosion Resistance of Az31b Mg- Alloy Welds
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In the present study, influence of friction stir welding (FSW) parameters e.g. rotational speed, welding speed and axial force upon mechanical properties on magnesium alloy AZ31B for tensile strength, hardness was studied. Several experimentation runs were carried by applying Response Surface Methodology (RSM) to estimate the output characteristics of weld. This was carried in-line with Multi-response regression equations. Optimisation of mathematical models was analysed by applying Desirability approach for given constraints to study the influence of various combinations of process parameters. The results indicated while experimentation for the process parameters i.e Transverse Speed (TS) and rotational speed (RS) are having major impact on weldments. Axial force (AF) also played a vital role in deciding mechanical properties by using FSW on magnesium alloy. Present study established relation between various process variables and mechanical properties by developing mathematical models. The experimentation results carried on the specimen plates of magnesium alloy has showed optimum response. The indicative values which has influenced the weld characteristic parameters at rotational speed 600 rpm, welding speed 55 mm/min, and axial force of 8 kN.