Efficiency Improvement through Universal Coupling Shaft Replacement in Aligning Mechanisms

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Katakam Satyanarayana, Avinash Padala, M. Raja Roy, Manepalli Sailaja, Sunandha Tulasi T.


The present research paper will outline the effectiveness of the universal coupling shaft replacement in the final drive unit of aligning mechanisms. The research carried out an interpretive approach to compare the conventional shaft couplings with universal joints and as a result of the research, the investigation showed a smooth torque transmission with reduced component wear. The research suggests why the interconnect element is paramount in providing tailored services and robust products to diverse industries worldwide. This is done through rectification of deviance and enhancement of adjustment and translates to an offering that increasingly leads to mechanical systems optimization. Future studies where we will be exploring the different manufacturing techniques that will assist in further improving the efficiency of the universal joint designs are what we as researchers focus on.

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