EFGA-DoSLD: Energy Efficient Denial of Service attack Detection in WSN

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Rahul Shingare, Dr. Md. Vaseem Naiyer


Sensors, computation, and wireless communication on a single WSN device is a huge accomplishment. WSNs are distinguished by their energy restrictions and application-specific features. New communication protocols using WSN capabilities are created to suit a wide variety of applications. WSN. DoS attacks prevent battery-powered sensor nodes from sleeping, affecting network performance. Existing DoSL attack detection technologies are inefficient and waste energy. This paper proposes EFGA DoSLD, a genetic algorithm-based denial-of-sleep attack detection algorithm (EFGA DoSLD). It also reduces energy utilisation in wireless sensor networks by eliminating routing and trust concerns. The protocol relies on TAGA, an adaptive genetic algorithm. TAGA (Trust based adaptive genetic algorithm) derives comprehensive trust values from the nodes' direct and indirect trust values, which account for volatilization and adaptive penalty factors. The suggested solution uses the base station's modified-RSA (MRSA) algorithm for key creation and distribution (BS). First, sensor nodes employ AODV to identify a reliable relay node before sending messages. The crossover and mutation mechanisms allow for the discovery and study of new attack techniques. When an attacker node is detected, the Blocking Sensor (BS) notifies all other sensor nodes in the network. This approach outperforms X-MAC, ZKP, and TE2P.

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