Visualization of Sorting Algorithms with Animation in Web Application

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A Muthukrishnan,J Koti Vinayaka Naga Sai Dattu Pitchuka, S Kamalesh


Sorting visualizer project involves in the development of web based application that enables users to visualize various sorting algorithms. The application provides a graphical representation of the sorting process, which helps users to understand the working of the sorting algorithms better. This project is an excellent educational tool that helps students and developers to learn and understand various sorting algorithms such as Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Merge Sort, Quick Sort, and many more. The sorting visualizer project is designed to provide a fun and interactive way to learn sorting algorithms. Users can select a sorting algorithm of their choice and see the algorithm in action. The application uses an array of random numbers that are then sorted using the selected sorting algorithm. As the sorting algorithm progresses, the application displays the array at each step, providing a graphical representation of the sorting process. This helps users to visualize the changes made to the array at each step of the sorting process.

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