The Effects of Technology-Integrated Curriculum on Student Engagement and Outcomes

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Mayank Kulshreshtha, Sandeep Chinta, Tusharika Saxena, Priyanka Mishra, Divya Baliga B.


Purpose: This review research paper investigates the impact of integrating technology into the curriculum on student engagement and academic outcomes. The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between technology integration, student engagement, and educational outcomes, shedding light on the potential benefits and challenges associated with incorporating technology into the learning process.

Theoretical Framework: The study is grounded in a comprehensive theoretical framework that draws from educational theories, cognitive psychology, and technological adoption models. By combining these perspectives, the researchers aim to provide a holistic understanding of how technology integration influences student engagement and academic performance.

Design/Methodology/Approach: The research employs a systematic literature review methodology, analyzing a wide range of scholarly articles, empirical studies, and educational reports. A rigorous selection process is undertaken to identify relevant studies, followed by a comprehensive synthesis and analysis of their findings. This approach allows for the aggregation of diverse perspectives and research methodologies, contributing to a robust overview of the topic.

Findings: The findings of this review reveal a complex relationship between technology-integrated curriculum, student engagement, and outcomes. While technology has the potential to enhance student engagement through interactive learning experiences, real-time feedback, and personalized content delivery, its effectiveness largely depends on factors such as the quality of implementation, teacher training, and the alignment with pedagogical goals. Additionally, the review highlights the importance of considering individual differences in technological readiness and learning preferences.

Research, Practical & Social Implications: From a research standpoint, this paper advances the understanding of technology's role in education by synthesizing existing literature and identifying key trends and gaps. Practically, educators and curriculum designers can benefit from insights into effective strategies for integrating technology into the classroom, optimizing student engagement, and improving academic outcomes. Socially, the study underscores the need for a balanced approach to technology integration that harnesses its potential benefits while addressing potential drawbacks.

Originality/Value: This review research paper contributes to the existing body of knowledge by offering a comprehensive synthesis of empirical studies and theoretical perspectives related to technology-integrated curriculum. It offers a nuanced view of the topic, emphasizing the contextual factors that shape the impact of technology on student engagement and outcomes. By doing so, this paper adds significant value to the ongoing discourse on educational technology and its implications.

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