Eco Critical Perspectives In Preeti Shenoy’s When Love Came Calling

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K. Thangam, Dr. K. Suresh


Preethi Shenoy is one of the most influential celebrity writers of young adult fiction. The Objective of the article is to study the Ecocritical Perspectives in “When Love Came Calling”(2020). Preethi Shenoy incorporates the values and characteristics of ecocriticism through the character Arush.The young adults Puja and Arush meet up in the plush green backdrop for an orientation program at Wayanad where they are attracted and feel like they can never depart. Shenoy's love for pet animals and nature is explicit through her characteristic portrayal of young Arush, a British brought up in Richmond who is fond of Iguanas and Lizards. Ecocriticism is an emerging topic  in contemporary English literature  hence  a new dimensional approach facilitates the  serene life of human beings in a place of solitude. The physical setting of Shenoy’s novels magnifies the green background for physical and mental strengthening and rejenuvation of the inhabitants. This article focuses on man's connection between nature and non humans and their dependence and interconnection for life. Cheryll Glotfelty defines ecocriticism "is the study of the relationship between literature and environment". Therefore the study of Ecocritical perspectives is made on Preethi Shenoy's "when love came calling" (2020).

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