Persistence of a Stalwart Personality: A Humanistic Approach to the Last Queen by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

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R. Anuradha, Dr. K. Suresh


Persistence is a quality that allows someone to continue doing something during predicament. It motivates to try harder during the challenging situation. People with this particular quality are full of vitality and determined to face the challenges to achieve a long term goal. Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni weaves a story of a century old Indian history in her latest book the Last Queen. She presents the characters with more real and human than any other textbooks. The behavior of each individual is fundamentally oriented towards self-actualization, whereas it enables the individuals to perform at their full potential. According to Rogers, the positive values imbibed in the matured person is being real in expressing one’s feelings honestly and making choices with pride and confidence. The character discussed in this article, trusts her ability to deal with the world and shows high degree of spontaneity, compassion and self-direction. The objective of this paper is to discuss the persistence of a stalwart personality through humanistic approach in the novel the Last Queen

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